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mikroSDK Reference Manual
ILI9341 Display Controller Command List. More...
Macros | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_NO_OPERATION 0x00 |
No operation. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_SOFTWARE_RESET 0x01 |
When the Software Reset command is written, it causes a software reset. It resets the commands and parameters to their S/W Reset default values. | |
This read byte returns 24 bits display identification information. The 1st parameter is dummy data. The 2nd parameter (ID1 [7:0]): LCD module’s manufacturer ID. The 3rd parameter (ID2 [7:0]): LCD module/driver version ID. The 4th parameter (ID3 [7:0]): LCD module/driver ID. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_READ_DISPLAY_STATUS 0x09 |
These commands indicate the current status of the display. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_READ_DISPLAY_MADCTL 0x0B |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_ENTER_SLEEP_MODE 0x10 |
This command causes the LCD module to enter the minimum power consumption mode. In this mode e.g. the DC/DC converter is stopped, Internal oscillator is stopped, and panel scanning is stopped. MCU interface and memory are still working and the memory keeps its contents. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_SLEEP_OUT 0x11 |
This command turns off sleep mode. In this mode e.g. the DC/DC converter is enabled, Internal oscillator is started, and panel scanning is started. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_PARTIAL_MODE_ON 0x12 |
This command turns on partial mode The partial mode window is described by the Partial Area command (30H). To leave Partial mode, the Normal Display Mode On command (13H) should be written. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_NORMAL_DISPLAY_MODE_ON 0x13 |
This command returns the display to normal mode. Normal display mode on means Partial mode off. Exit from NORON by the Partial mode On command (12h). | |
This command is used to recover from display inversion mode. This command makes no change of the content of frame memory. This command doesn’t change any other status. | |
This command is used to enter into display inversion mode. This command makes no change of the content of frame memory. Every bit is inverted from the frame memory to the display. This command doesn’t change any other status. To exit Display inversion mode, the Display inversion OFF command (20h) should be written. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_GAMMA_SET 0x26 |
This command is used to select the desired Gamma curve for the current display. A maximum of 4 fixed gamma curves can be selected. The curve is selected by setting the appropriate bit in the parameter. GC [7:0] 0x01 : Gamma curve 1 0x02 : Gamma curve 2 0x04 : Gamma curve 3 0x08 : Gamma curve 4. | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_GAMMA_CURVE_BITS 0x01 |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_DISPLAY_OFF 0x28 |
This command is used to enter into DISPLAY OFF mode. In this mode, the output from Frame Memory is disabled and blank page inserted. This command makes no change of contents of frame memory. This command does not change any other status. There will be no abnormal visible effect on the display. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_DISPLAY_ON 0x29 |
This command is used to recover from DISPLAY OFF mode. Output from the Frame Memory is enabled. This command makes no change of contents of frame memory. This command does not change any other status. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_COLUMN_ADDRESS_SET 0x2A |
This command is used to define area of frame memory where MCU can access. This command makes no change on the other driver status. The values of SC [15:0] and EC [15:0] are referred when RAMWR command comes. Each value represents one column line in the Frame Memory. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_PAGE_ADDRESS_SET 0x2B |
This command is used to define area of frame memory where MCU can access. This command makes no change on the other driver status. The values of SP [15:0] and EP [15:0] are referred when RAMWR command comes. Each value represents one Page line in the Frame Memory. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_MEMORY_WRITE 0x2C |
This command is used to transfer data from MCU to frame memory. This command makes no change to the other driver status. When this command is accepted, the column register and the page register are reset to the Start Column/Start Page positions. The Start Column/Start Page positions are different in accordance with MADCTL setting.) Then D [17:0] is stored in frame memory and the column register and the page register incremented. Sending any other command can stop frame Write. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_COLOR_SET 0x2D |
This command is used to define the LUT for 16-bit to 18-bit color depth conversion. 128 bytes must be written to the LUT regardless of the color mode. Only the values in Section 7.4 are referred. This command has no effect on other commands, parameter and contents of frame memory. Visible change takes effect next time the frame memory is written to. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_MEMORY_READ 0x2E |
This command transfers image data from ILI9341’s frame memory to the host processor starting at the pixel location specified by preceding set_column_address and set_page_address commands. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_PARTIAL_AREA 0x30 |
This command defines the partial mode’s display area. There are 2 parameters associated with this command, the first defines the Start Row (SR) and the second the End Row (ER). SR and ER refer to the Frame Memory Line Pointer. | |
This command defines the Vertical Scrolling Area of the display. When MADCTL B4=0 The 1st & 2nd parameter TFA [15...0] describes the Top Fixed Area (in No. of lines from Top of the Frame Memory and Display). The 3rd & 4th parameter VSA [15...0] describes the height of the Vertical Scrolling Area (in No. of lines of the Frame Memory [not the display] from the Vertical Scrolling Start Address). The first line read from Frame Memory appears immediately after the bottom most line of the Top Fixed Area. The 5th & 6th parameter BFA [15...0] describes the Bottom Fixed Area (in No. of lines from Bottom of the Frame Memory and Display). TFA, VSA and BFA refer to the Frame Memory Line Pointer. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_TEARING_EFFECT_LINE_OFF 0x34 |
This command is used to turn OFF (Active Low) the Tearing Effect output signal from the TE signal line. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_TEARING_EFFECT_LINE_ON 0x35 |
This command is used to turn ON the Tearing Effect output signal from the TE signal line. This output is not affected by changing MADCTL bit B4. The Tearing Effect Line On has one parameter which describes the mode of the Tearing Effect Output Line. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_MEMORY_ACCESS_CONTROL 0x36 |
This command defines read/write scanning direction of frame memory. This command makes no change on the other driver status. bit[2] MH : Horizontal refresh order bit[3] BGR : RGB-BGR order bit[4] ML : Vertical refresh order bit[5] MV : Row/Column exchange bit[6] MX : Column address order bit[7] MY : Row address order. | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_NO_ROTATION 0x28 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_ROTATE_180 0xE8 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_ROTATE_90 0x48 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_ROTATE_270 0x88 |
This command is used together with Vertical Scrolling Definition (33h). These two commands describe the scrolling area and the scrolling mode. The Vertical Scrolling Start Address command has one parameter which describes the address of the line in the Frame Memory that will be written as the first line after the last line of the Top Fixed Area. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_IDLE_MODE_OFF 0x38 |
This command is used to recover from Idle mode on. In the idle off mode, LCD can display maximum 262,144 colors. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_IDLE_MODE_ON 0x39 |
This command is used to enter into Idle mode on. In the idle on mode, color expression is reduced. The primary and the secondary colors using MSB of each R, G and B in the Frame Memory, 8 color depth data is displayed. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_PIXEL_FORMAT_SET 0x3A |
This command sets the pixel format for the RGB image data used by the interface. DPI [2:0] is the pixel format select of RGB interface and DBI [2:0] is the pixel format of MCU interface. If a particular interface, either RGB interface or MCU interface, is not used then the corresponding bits in the parameter are ignored. bit[6:4] DPI : RGB interface format 101 : 16 bits/pixel 110 : 18 bits/pixel bit[2:0] DBI : MCU interface format 101 : 16 bits/pixel 110 : 18 bits/pixel. | |
This command transfers image data from the host processor to the display module’s frame memory continuing from the pixel location following the previous write_memory_continue or write_memory_start command. | |
This command transfers image data from the display module’s frame memory to the host processor continuing from the location following the previous read_memory_continue (3Eh) or read_memory_start (2Eh) command. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_SET_TEAR_SCANLINE 0x44 |
This command turns on the display Tearing Effect output signal on the TE signal line when the display reaches line STS. The TE signal is not affected by changing set_address_mode bit B4. The Tearing Effect Line On has one parameter that describes the Tearing Effect Output Line mode. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_GET_SCANLINE 0x45 |
The display returns the current scan line, GTS, used to update the display device. The total number of scan lines on a display device is defined as VSYNC + VBP + VACT + VFP. The first scan line is defined as the first line of V-Sync and is denoted as Line 0. When in Sleep Mode, the value returned by get_scanline is undefined. | |
This command is used to adjust the brightness value of the display. It should be checked what is the relationship between this written value and output brightness of the display. This relationship is defined on the display module specification. In principle relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness and FFh value means the highest brightness. | |
This command returns the brightness value of the display. It should be checked what the relationship between this returned value and output brightness of the display. This relationship is defined on the display module specification. In principle the relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness and FFh value means the highest brightness. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_WRITE_CTRL_DISPLAY 0x53 |
This command is used to control display brightness. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_READ_CTRL_DISPLAY 0x54 |
This command is used to return brightness setting. | |
This command is used to set parameters for image content based adaptive brightness control functionality. There is possible to use 4 different modes for content adaptive image functionality. | |
This command is used to read the settings for image content based adaptive brightness control functionality. It is possible to use 4 different modes for content adaptive image functionality. | |
This command is used to set the minimum brightness value of the display for CABC function. CMB[7:0]: CABC minimum brightness control, this parameter is used to avoid too much brightness reduction. When CABC is active, CABC cannot reduce the display brightness to less than CABC minimum brightness setting. Image processing function is worked as normal, even if the brightness cannot be changed. This function does not affect to the other function, manual brightness setting. Manual brightness can be set the display brightness to less than CABC minimum brightness. Smooth transition and dimming function can be worked as normal. When display brightness is turned off (BCTRL=0 of “Write CTRL Display (53h)”), CABC minimum brightness setting is ignored. In principle relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness for CABC and FFh value means the highest brightness for CABC. | |
This command returns the minimum brightness value of CABC function. In principle the relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness and FFh value means the highest brightness. CMB[7:0] is CABC minimum brightness specified with “Write CABC minimum brightness (5Eh)” command. In principle relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness for CABC and FFh value means the highest brightness for CABC. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_READ_ID_1 0xDA |
This read byte identifies the LCD module’s manufacturer ID and it is specified by User. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_READ_ID_2 0xDB |
This read byte is used to track the LCD module/driver version. It is defined by display supplier (with User’s agreement) and changes each time a revision is made to the display, material or construction specifications. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_READ_ID_3 0xDC |
This read byte identifies the LCD module/driver and It is specified by User. | |
Sets the operation status of the display interface. The setting becomes effective as soon as the command is received. | |
PARAM_1 bit[1:0] DIVA : division ratio for internal clocks when Normal mode. PARAM_2 bit[4:0] RTNA : is used to set 1H (line) period of Normal mode at MCU interface. | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_2_CLOCK_PER_LINE_BITS 0x1B |
Sets the division ratio for internal clocks of Idle mode at MCU interface. | |
Sets the division ratio for internal clocks of Partial mode (Idle mode off) at MCU interface. | |
Display inversion mode set NLA: Inversion setting in full colors normal mode (Normal mode on) NLB: Inversion setting in Idle mode (Idle mode on) NLC: Inversion setting in full colors partial mode (Partial mode on / Idle mode off). | |
VFP [6:0] / VBP [6:0]: The VFP [6:0] and VBP [6:0] bits specify the line number of vertical front and back porch period respectively. HFP [4:0] / HBP [4:0]: The HFP [4:0] and HBP [4:0] bits specify the line number of horizontal front and back porch period respectively. | |
PARAM_1 PTG [3:2]: Set the scan mode in non-display area. PT [1:0]: Determine source/VCOM output in a non-display area in the partial display mode. PARAM_2 SS [5] : Select the shift direction of outputs from the source driver. REV [7] : Select whether the liquid crystal type is normally white type or normally black type. ISC [3:0] : Specify the scan cycle interval of gate driver in non-display area when PTG [1:0] =”10” to select interval scan. Then scan cycle is set as odd number from 0~29 frame periods. The polarity is inverted every scan cycle. GS [6] : Sets the direction of scan by the gate driver in the range determined by SCN [4:0] and NL [4:0]. The scan direction determined by GS = 0 can be reversed by setting GS = 1. SM: Sets the gate driver pin arrangement in combination with the GS bit to select the optimal scan mode for the module. PARAM_3 NL [5:0]: Sets the number of lines to drive the LCD at an interval of 8 lines. The GRAM address mapping is not affected by the number of lines set by NL [5:0]. The number of lines must be the same or more than the number of lines necessary for the size of the liquid crystal panel. PARAM_4 PCDIV [5:0] : External fosc = DOTCLK/(2*(PCDIV+1)) | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_PTG_PT_BITS 0x0A |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_2_ISC_SM_SS_GS_REV_BITS 0x82 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_3_NL_BITS 0x27 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_4_PCDIV_BITS 0x00 |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_ENTRY_MODE_SET 0xB7 |
GAS [0] : Low voltage detection control. 0 : Enable 1 : Disable GON/DTE [2:1] : Set the output level of gate driver G1 ~ G320. 00 : VGH 01 : VGH 10 : VGL 11 : Normal display. | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_GAS_DTE_GON_BITS 0x06 |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_1 0xB8 |
TH_UI [3:0]: These bits are used to set the percentage of grayscale data accumulate histogram value in the user interface (UI) mode. This ratio of maximum number of pixels that makes display image white (=data “255”) to the total of pixels by image processing. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_2 0xB9 |
TH_ST [3:0]: These bits are used to set the percentage of grayscale data accumulate histogram value in the still picture mode. This ratio of maximum number of pixels that makes display image white (=data “255”) to the total of pixels by image processing. TH_MV [3:0]: These bits are used to set the percentage of grayscale data accumulate histogram value in the moving image mode. This ratio of maximum number of pixels that makes display image white (=data “255”) to the total of pixels by image processing. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_3 0xBA |
DTH_UI [3:0]: This parameter is used set the minimum limitation of grayscale threshold value in User Icon (UI) image mode. This register setting will limit the minimum Dth value to prevent the display image from being too white and the display quality is not acceptable. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_4 0xBB |
DTH_ST [3:0]/DTH_MV [3:0]: This parameter is used set the minimum limitation of grayscale threshold value. This register setting will limit the minimum Dth value to prevent the display image from being too white and the display quality is not acceptable. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_5 0xBC |
DIM1 [2:0]: This parameter is used to set the transition time of brightness level to avoid the sharp brightness transition on vision. DIM2 [3:0]: This parameter is used to set the threshold of brightness change. When the brightness transition difference is smaller than DIM2 [3:0], the brightness transition will be ignored. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_7 0xBE |
PWM_DIV [7:0]: PWM_OUT output frequency control. This command is used to adjust the PWM waveform frequency of PWM_OUT. The PWM frequency can be calculated by using the following equation. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_8 0xBF |
LEDPWMPOL: The bit is used to define polarity of LEDPWM signal. LEDONPOL: This bit is used to control LEDON pin. LEDONR: This bit is used to control LEDON pin. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_POWER_CONTROL_1 0xC0 |
VRH [5:0]: Set the GVDD level, which is a reference level for the VCOM level and the grayscale voltage level. | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_GVDD_VOLTAGE_LEVEL_BITS 0x21 |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_POWER_CONTROL_2 0xC1 |
BT [2:0]: Sets the factor used in the step-up circuits. Select the optimal step-up factor for the operating voltage. To reduce power consumption, set a smaller factor. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_VCOM_CONTROL_1 0xC5 |
PARAM_1 bit[6:0] VMH : Set the VCOMH voltage. PARAM_2 bit[6:0] VML : Set the VCOML voltage. | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_VCOMH_VOLTAGE_BITS 0x31 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_2_VCOML_VOLTAGE_BITS 0x3C |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_VCOM_CONTROL_2 0xC7 |
nVM bit[7] : nVM equals to “0” after power on reset and VCOM offset equals to program MTP value. When nVM set to “1”, setting of VMF [6:0] becomes valid and VCOMH/VCOML can be adjusted. VMF [6:0]: Set the VCOM offset voltage. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_NV_MEMMORY_WRITE 0xD0 |
This command is used to program the NV memory data. After a successful MTP operation, the information of PGM_DATA [7:0] will programmed to NV memory. PGM_ADR [2:0]: The select bits of ID1, ID2, ID3 and VMF [6:0] programming can be OTP x 3 times. PGM_DATA [7:0]: The programmed data. | |
KEY [23:0]: NV memory programming protection key. When writing MTP data to D1h, this register must be set to 0x55AA66h to enable MTP programming. If D1h register is not written with 0x55AA66h, then NV memory programming will be aborted. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_NV_MEMORY_STATUS_READ 0xD2 |
ID1_CNT [2:0] / ID2_CNT [2:0] / ID3_CNT [2:0] / VMF_CNT [2:0]: ID and VMF all can be OPT x 3 times, NV memory program record. The bits will increase “+1” automatically after writing the PGM_DATA [7:0] to NV memory. BUSY: The status bit of NV memory programming. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_READ_ID_4 0xD3 |
Read IC device code. | |
Set the gray scale voltage to adjust the gamma characteristics of the TFT panel. PARAM_1 VP63 [3:0] PARAM_2 VP62 [5:0] PARAM_3 VP61 [5:0] PARAM_4 VP59 [3:0] PARAM_5 VP57 [4:0] PARAM_6 VP50 [3:0] PARAM_7 VP43 [6:0] PARAM_8 VP36 [3:0] VP27 [7:4] PARAM_9 VP20 [6:0] PARAM_10 VP13 [3:0] PARAM_11 VP6 [4:0] PARAM_12 VP4 [3:0] PARAM_13 VP2 [5:0] PARAM_14 VP1 [5:0] PARAM_15 VP0 [3:0]. | |
Set the gray scale voltage to adjust the gamma characteristics of the TFT panel. PARAM_1 VN63 [3:0] PARAM_2 VN62 [5:0] PARAM_3 VN61 [5:0] PARAM_4 VN59 [3:0] PARAM_5 VN57 [4:0] PARAM_6 VN50 [3:0] PARAM_7 VN43 [6:0] PARAM_8 VN36 [7:4] VN27 [3:0] PARAM_9 VN20 [6:0] PARAM_10 VN13 [3:0] PARAM_11 VN6 [4:0] PARAM_12 VN4 [3:0] PARAM_13 VN2 [5:0] PARAM_14 VN1 [5:0] PARAM_15 VN0 [3:0]. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_DIGITAL_GAMMA_CONTROL_1 0xE2 |
RCAx [3:0]: Gamma Macro-adjustment registers for red gamma curve. BCAx [3:0]: Gamma Macro-adjustment registers for blue gamma curve. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_DIGITAL_GAMMA_CONTROL_2 0xE3 |
RFAx [3:0]: Gamma Micro-adjustment register for red gamma curve. BFAx [3:0]: Gamma Micro-adjustment register for blue gamma curve. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_INTERFACE_CONTROL 0xF6 |
MY_EOR / MX_EOR / MV_EOR / BGR_EOR: The set value of MADCTL is used in the IC is derived as exclusive OR between 1st Parameter of IFCTL and MADCTL Parameter. MDT [1:0]: Select the method of display data transferring. WEMODE: Memory write control WEMODE=0: When the transfer number of data exceeds (EC-SC+1)*(EP-SP+1), the exceeding data will be ignored. WEMODE=1: When the transfer number of data exceeds (EC-SC+1)*(EP-SP+1), the column and page number will be reset, and the exceeding data will be written into the following column and page. ENDIAN: Select Little Endian Interface bit. At Little Endian mode, the host sends LSB data first. DM [1:0]: Select the display operation mode. RM: Select the interface to access the GRAM. RIM: Specify the RGB interface mode when the RGB interface is used. These bits should be set before display operation through the RGB interface and should not be set during operation. EPF [1:0]: 65K color mode data format. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_POWER_CONTROL_A 0xCB |
Extended Register commands. More... | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_POWER_CONTROL_A_BITS 0x39 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_2_POWER_CONTROL_A_BITS 0x2C |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_3_POWER_CONTROL_A_BITS 0x00 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_4_VCORE_CONTROL_BITS 0x34 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_5_DDVDH_CONTROL_BITS 0x02 |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_POWER_CONTROL_B 0xCF |
power control B PARAM_1 No settable bits. PARAM_2 power control[1:0] bit[5]: DRV_ena : For VCOM driving ability enhancement, DRV_ena = 1: Enable, and vice versa bit[6]: PCEQ: PC and EQ operation for power saving PARAM_3 bit[2:0]: DRV_vmh[2:0] 3’b000 adjust over drive width for VMH(000: 1 op_clk ~111: 8 op_clk) bit[3]: DRV_vml[0] 1’b0 bit[4]: DC_ena: Discharge path enable. Enable high for ESD protection, 1: enable and vice versa bit[7:6] : DRV_vml[2:1] 2’b00 | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_POWER_CONTROL_B_BITS 0x00 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_2_POWER_CONTROL_B_BITS 0x81 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_3_POWER_CONTROL_B_BITS 0x30 |
EQ timing for Internal clock PARAM_1 gate driver non-overlap timing control bit[0] NOW 0:default non-overlap time 1:default + 1unit PARAM_2 bit[4] EQ timing control 0:default – 1unit 1:default EQ timing bit[0] CR timing control 0: default – 1unit 1:default CR timing PARAM_3 pre-charge timing control bit[1:0] PC 00:default – 2unit 01:default – 1unit 10: default pre-charge timing 11: reserved. | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_2_EQ_CR_TIMING_CONTROL_BITS 0x11 |
timing for External clock | |
gate driver timing control PARAM_1 bit[1:0] VG_SW_T1 : EQ to GND bit[3:2] VG_SW_T2 : EQ to DDVDH bit[5:4] VG_SW_T3 : EQ to DDVDH bit[7:6] VG_SW_T4 : EQ to GND 00: 0 unit 01: 1 unit 10: 2 unit 11: 3 unit PARAM_2 No settable bits | |
power on sequence control PARAM_1 soft start control 00:soft start keep 3 frame 01:soft start keep 2 frame 10:soft start keep 1 frame 11:disable PARAM_2 and PARAM_3 00:1st frame enable 01:2nd frame enable 10:3rd frame enable 11:4th frame enable PARAM_4 DDVDH enhance mode(only for 8 external capacitors) 0: disable 1: enable | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_SOFT_START_CONTROL_BITS 0x55 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_2_DDVDH_VCL_ENABLE_BITS 0x01 |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_3_VGL_VGH_ENABLE_BITS 0x23 |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_ENABLE_3G 0xF2 |
Enable 3 gamma control 3G_enb [0] 0 : disable 1 : enable. | |
#define | ILI9341_CMD_PUMP_RATIO_CONTROL 0xF7 |
ratio control bit[5:4] Ratio 00:reserved 01:reserved 10:DDVDH=2xVCI 11:DDVDH=3xVCI | |
#define | ILI9341_PARAM_1_PUMP_RATIO_CONTROL_BITS 0x10 |
#define ILI9341_CMD_POWER_CONTROL_A 0xCB |
PARAM_1, PARAM_2, PARAM_3 No settable bits PARAM_4 vcore controle bit[2:0] REG_VD 000: 1.55v 001: 1.4v 010: 1.5v 011: 1.65v 100: 1.6v 101: 1.7v 110: reserved 111: reserved PARAM_5 ddvdh controle bit[2:0] VBC 000: 5.8v 001: 5.7v 010: 5.6v 011: 5.5v 100: 5.4v 101: 5.3v 110: 5.2v 111: reserved