Sprint Library

The mikroC PRO for ARM provides the standard ANSI C Sprintf function for easy data formatting.

  Note : In addition to ANSI C standard, the Sprint Library also includes two limited versions of the sprintf function (sprinti and sprintl)
        These functions take less ROM and RAM and may be more convenient for use in some cases.

Library Dependency Tree

Sprint Library Dependency Tree




signed int sprintf(char *wh, const code char *f,...);


The function returns the number of characters actually written to destination string.


sprintf is used to format data and print them into destination string.

Parameters :

  • wh: destination string
  • f: format string

The f argument is a format string and may be composed of characters, escape sequences, and format specifications. Ordinary characters and escape sequences are copied to the destination string in the order in which they are interpreted. Format specifications always begin with a percent sign (%) and require additional arguments to be included in the function call.

The format string is read from left to right. The first format specification encountered refers to the first argument after f and then converts and outputs it using the format specification. The second format specification accesses the second argument after f, and so on. If there are more arguments than format specifications, then these extra arguments are ignored. Results are unpredictable if there are not enough arguments for the format specifications. The format specifications have the following format:

  % [flags] [width] [.precision]  [{ l | L }]  conversion_type

Each field in the format specification can be a single character or a number which specifies a particular format option. The conversion_type field is where a single character specifies that the argument is interpreted as a character, string, number, or pointer, as shown in the following table:

conversion_type Argument Type Output Format
d int Signed decimal number
u unsigned int Unsigned decimal number
o unsigned int Unsigned octal number
x unsigned int Unsigned hexadecimal number using 0123456789abcdef
X unsigned int Unsigned hexadecimal number using 0123456789ABCEDF
f double Floating-point number using the format [-]dddd.dddd
e double Floating-point number using the format [-]d.dddde[-]dd
E double Floating-point number using the format [-]d.ddddE[-]dd
g double Floating-point number using either e or f format, whichever is more compact for the specified value and precision
c int int is converted to unsigned char, and the resulting character is written
s char * String with a terminating null character
p void * Pointer value, the X format is used
% <none> A % is written. No argument is converted. The complete conversion specification shall be %%.

The flags field is where a single character is used to justify the output and to print +/- signs and blanks, decimal points, and octal and hexadecimal prefixes, as shown in the following table.

flags Meaning
- Left justify the output in the specified field width.
+ Prefix the output value with + or - sign if the output is a signed type.
space (' ') Prefix the output value with a blank if it is a signed positive value. Otherwise, no blank is prefixed
# Prefixes a non-zero output value with 0, 0x, or 0X when used with o, x, and X field types, respectively. When used with e, E, f, g, and G field types, the # flag forces the output value to include a decimal point. The # flag is ignored in all other cases.
* Ignore format specifier.

The width field is a non-negative number that specifies the minimum number of printed characters. If a number of characters in the output value is less than width, then blanks are added on the left or right (when the - flag is specified) to pad to the minimum width. If width is prefixed with 0, then zeros are padded instead of blanks. The width field never truncates a field. If a length of the output value exceeds the specified width, all characters are output.

The precision field is a non-negative number that specifies a number of characters to print, number of significant digits or number of decimal places. The precision field can cause truncation or rounding of the output value in the case of a floating-point number as specified in the following table.

flags Meaning of the precision field
d, u, o, x, X The precision field is where you specify a minimum number of digits that will be included in the output value. Digits are not truncated if the number of digits in the argument exceeds that defined in the precision field. If a number of digits in the argument is less than the precision field, the output value is padded on the left with zeros.
f The precision field is where you specify a number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The last digit is rounded.
e, E The precision field is where you specify a number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The last digit is rounded.
g The precision field is where you specify a maximum number of significant digits in the output value.
c, C The precision field has no effect on these field types.
s The precision field is where you specify a maximum number of characters in the output value. Excess characters are not output.

The optional characters l or L may immediately precede conversion_type to respectively specify long versions of the integer types d, i, u, o, x, and X.

You must ensure that the argument type matches that of the format specification. You can use type casts to ensure that the proper type is passed to sprintf.



signed int sprintl(char *wh, const code char *f,...);


The function returns the number of characters actually written to destination string.


The same as sprintf, except it doesn't support float-type numbers.



signed int sprinti(char *wh, const code char *f,...);


The function returns the number of characters actually written to destination string.


The same as sprintf, except it doesn't support long integers and float-type numbers.

Library Example

This is a demonstration of the standard C library sprintf routine usage. Three different representations of the same floating poing number obtained by using the sprintf routine are sent via UART.

Copy Code To ClipboardCopy Code To Clipboard
float ww = -1.2587538e+1;
char  buffer[15];
char uart_rd;

void main(){


  Delay_ms(100); // Wait for UART module to stabilize
  UART0_Write_Text("Floating point number representation"); // Write message on UART

  sprintf(buffer, "%12e", ww);             // Format ww and store it to buffer
  UART0_Write_Text("rne format:");       // Write message on UART
  UART0_Write_Text(buffer);                // Write buffer on UART

  sprintf(buffer, "%12f", ww);             // Format ww and store it to buffer
  UART0_Write_Text("rnf format:");       // Write message on UART
  UART0_Write_Text(buffer);                // Write buffer on UART
  sprintf(buffer, "%12g", ww);             // Format ww and store it to buffer
  UART0_Write_Text("rng format:");       // Write message on UART
  UART0_Write_Text(buffer);                // Write buffer on UART

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