PS/2 Library

The mikroC PRO for ARM provides a library for communication with the common PS/2 keyboard.

  Important :

External dependencies of PS/2 Library


The following variables must be defined in all projects using PS/2 Library: Description : Example :
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data; PS/2 Data line. sbit PS2_Data at GPIO_PORTD_DATA0_bit;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock; PS/2 Clock line. sbit PS2_Clock at GPIO_PORTD_DATA1_bit;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data_Direction; Direction of the PS/2 Data pin. sbit PS2_Data_Direction at GPIO_PORTD_DIR0_bit;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Direction; Direction of the PS/2 Clock pin. sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at GPIO_PORTD_DIR1_bit;


The following variables must be defined in all projects using PS/2 Library: Description : Example :
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data; PS/2 Data line. sbit PS2_Data at DIO_P6OUT.B0;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Input; PS/2 Clock Input line. sbit PS2_Clock_Input at DIO_P6IN.B1;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Output; PS/2 Clock Output line. sbit PS2_Clock_Output at DIO_P6OUT.B1;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data_Direction; Direction of the PS/2 Data pin. sbit PS2_Data_Direction at DIO_P6DIR.B0;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Direction; Direction of the PS/2 Clock pin. sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at DIO_P6DIR.B1;


The following variables must be defined in all projects using PS/2 Library: Description : Example :
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data_Input; PS/2 Data Input line. sbit PS2_Data_Input at GPIOD_IDR.B0;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Input; PS/2 Clock input line. sbit PS2_Clock_Input at GPIOD_IDR.B1;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Output; PS/2 Clock output line. sbit PS2_Clock_Output at GPIOD_ODR.B1;


The following variables must be defined in all projects using PS/2 Library: Description : Example :
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data_Input; PS/2 Data Input line. sbit PS2_Data_Input at GPIO_INPUT_PIN_001_bit;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Input; PS/2 Clock Input line. sbit PS2_Clock_Input at GPIO_INPUT_PIN_002_bit;
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Output; PS/2 Clock Output line. sbit PS2_Clock_Output at GPIO_OUTPUT_PIN_002_bit;

Library Routines



void Ps2_Config();


Initializes the MCU for work with the PS/2 keyboard.






External dependencies of the library from the top of the page must be defined before using this function.



sbit PS2_Data            at GPIO_PORTD_DATA0_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock           at GPIO_PORTD_DATA1_bit;
sbit PS2_Data_Direction  at GPIO_PORTD_DIR0_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at GPIO_PORTD_DIR1_bit;
Ps2_Config();         // Init PS/2 Keyboard


sbit PS2_Data            at DIO_P6OUT.B0;
sbit PS2_Clock_Input     at DIO_P6IN.B1;
sbit PS2_Clock_Output    at DIO_P6OUT.B1;
sbit PS2_Data_Direction  at DIO_P6DIR.B0;
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at DIO_P6DIR.B1;
Ps2_Config();         // Init PS/2 Keyboard


sbit PS2_Data_Input            at GPIOD_IDR.B0;
sbit PS2_Clock_Input           at GPIOD_IDR.B1;
sbit PS2_Clock_Output          at GPIOD_ODR.B1;
Ps2_Config();         // Init PS/2 Keyboard


sbit PS2_Data_Input            at GPIO_INPUT_PIN_001_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Input           at GPIO_INPUT_PIN_002_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Output          at GPIO_OUTPUT_PIN_002_bit;
Ps2_Config();         // Init PS/2 Keyboard




unsigned int Ps2_Key_Read(unsigned short *value, unsigned short *special, unsigned short *pressed);


The function retrieves information on key pressed.

  • value: holds the value of the key pressed. For characters, numerals, punctuation marks, and space value will store the appropriate ASCII code. Routine “recognizes” the function of Shift and Caps Lock, and behaves appropriately. For special function keys see Special Function Keys Table.
  • special: is a flag for special function keys (F1, Enter, Esc, etc). If key pressed is one of these, special will be set to 1, otherwise 0.
  • pressed: is set to 1 if the key is pressed, and 0 if it is released.

  • 1 if reading of a key from the keyboard was successful
  • 0 if no key was pressed


PS/2 keyboard needs to be initialized. See Ps2_Config routine.

unsigned short keydata = 0, special = 0, down = 0;
// Press Enter to continue:
do {
  if (Ps2_Key_Read(&keydata, &special, &down)) {
    if (down && (keydata == 16)) break;
} while (1);


Special Function Keys

Key Value returned
F1 1
F2 2
F3 3
F4 4
F5 5
F6 6
F7 7
F8 8
F9 9
F10 10
F11 11
F12 12
Enter 13
Page Up 14
Page Down 15
Backspace 16
Insert 17
Delete 18
Windows 19
Ctrl 20
Shift 21
Alt 22
Print Screen 23
Pause 24
Caps Lock 25
End 26
Home 27
Scroll Lock 28
Num Lock 29
Left Arrow 30
Right Arrow 31
Up Arrow 32
Down Arrow 33
Escape 34
Tab 35
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